Nadoa’s Weblog

Not a Doctor of Anything


Watched the Olympics opening ceremony. An amazing display for so many reasons. Lots of politically correct pabulum from the networks about the politics and symbolism. Nothing on the implications for the rest of the world.  The audience got to watch the coming out party for a great world power. That was part was actually mentioned, but little else. During WW2 Japan fretted about waking a sleeping giant in attacking the US. Well, another sleeping giant has awakened, and it looks to be the next true world power. Next to their size and potential, the U.S. looks like a tiny gnat on the world stage. Massive amounts of motivated, talented, and CHEAP labor. Resurgent nationalism is rampant, and they are holding all the U.S.’s debt in one of their hands. Their leaders play for keeps, make and keep long term plans, and have interests that dwarf the western world’s all over the globe.

Meanwhile, back in the USA, you could hear the crowd, faced with this very impressive display full of hidden and not so hidden symbolism,

oooooh, look at the pretty colors, wow look at the fireworks, ahhhhh….

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