Nadoa’s Weblog

Not a Doctor of Anything

Repost of Just thinking

because why not

I know that supposedly 80 million plus voted for the current occupant of the white house.

Did they really get what they thought they were getting?  There is no way anyone can believe Joe Biden is the Alpha in the room after watching his public appearances. At least not without suspending all belief in what is plainly in view. We are talking about a guy who was shooed away from people he was talking to by the Easter Bunny, who jammed his way in from of him waving his arms to interrupt him and move him away. You don’t have to like Trump to admit he was the boss in fact, not just title, wherever he went. Anyone who tried this with him would have been put out in the street. The white house staff treated Joe Biden like a puppy that got into the flower garden and needed to be kicked out before it did any damage.

A president who routinely says, I’m not allowed to talk about that, I’m not supposed to talk to you, and just walks away from reporters, who can’t even get speeches on teleprompters right, is not in charge of anything. The question is, who is the real boss today? If the red line rings at 2am and a voice say’s “so and so is warming up the nukes”, who is taking that call and making the critical decisions? It certainly isn’t Joe Biden, and if you think it’s Kamala Harris, you need to check your meds a little more carefully. Our current VP is a walking word salad and little of what she says makes any kind of sense.

I understand party loyalty, especially if your job and livelihood are tied to your party’s success. I even understand the various media talking heads insisting all is just dandy, if that’s the opinion of your boss that’s going to be your line as well. But for the general public to buy into the supposition that all is well in spite of what they see and hear is puzzling, to say the least. This is going beyond stubborn belief and verging on mass hypnosis. We have a president who hides from the public and vanishes from the sight of the rest of America on a routine basis. We have a fake white house setup for giving carefully scripted presentations that is more like a movie set complete with directors, and a total lack of anyone outside the inner circle. You don’t have to be a member of any particular political party to see that there is something wrong with this setup and that a whole lot of effort and expense is going into maintaining this charade on a daily basis.

There has been a lot of blather in the media about insurrectionists wanting to overthrow the government. That finger is usually pointed at what is described as the currently out-of-power right wing. The actual instances of anti-government action, even to the extent of setting up “ Autonomous Zones”, residents of which openly declared they were no longer part of the rest of the country, have been decidedly leftist. This inconvenient fact has been ignored by the government and media alike.

The reality today is that the American public has no idea who is really running the executive branch of its government and the people who are aiding and abetting this farce are closer to that accusation of insurrection than anyone else.

January 26, 2023 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

The sky is falling

I keep seeing pronouncements from various politicians across the western world proclaiming that their countries need to keep importing more and more immigrants to make up for the west’s falling birth rate. I just read somewhere that one proposal was for countries to let in one immigrant for every native birth, a proposal which would swamp and exterminate the locals in a low birthrate country in short order. So, why? The Ponzi schemes of the welfare states are beginning to fall apart, the money, and the energy it represents, doesn’t exist to fund them much longer. The argument the elites allude to, that these new arrivals will somehow contribute their time and energy to supporting the older population of their host country, in place of the children they have been convinced not to have, is an obvious fallacy. Even a cursory look at the situation shows the current crop of immigrants has little to no desire to assimilate or join in the culture of their new home. Getting jobs so they can be taxed to support the state doesn’t seem to be any kind of priority for them regardless of where they come from. They are arriving in such numbers that they immediately create or join insular communities encompassing their own culture and habits wherever they settle. For example, witness the no-go zones all over Europe that the political class pretends don’t exist but their police can’t go into in less than platoon strength. The newcomers openly proclaim they are only interested in taking whatever they can get, money, free housing, free food made to their tastes, and even demanding and getting changes in local dietary and animal husbandry standards to go along with their customs and beliefs. As far as eagerly supporting the aging western populations, I’ve seen little evidence of any interest they have in that. In many cases, they openly despise their hosts, reject local customs and law, and some outright prey upon the locals and their children. Their main occupations appear to be breeding and rioting over just about anything. How this is supposed to benefit the people of the host countries is left undiscussed. If someone dares to object they are immediately vilified with every emotion-laden term the ruling class can think up. The concept that this will turn out well for all involved is laughable in its face.

The handwriting, as they say, is clearly on the wall, and as history has shown us, is destined to be ignored.


January 24, 2023 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Food for thought

I’ve read a few news items discussing the mother of Hunter Biden’s unacknowledged child and her efforts to acquire the Biden last name for said offspring. If I’m reading things correctly this is being done to get in on the family’s fame and fortune somehow.

While my understanding is that it’s been settled that there is a blood connection, i.e. it is his kid, I’m not sure how this will generate money down the road for the child, and presumably the mom. Grandpa is going to continue to pretend the kid doesn’t exist, and I don’t know how anyone could persuade him to change his mind.

As far as associations go, the Biden family’s name gets its clout from connections and deals made over the years with lots of other players while amassing their little dynasties’ fortune. Somehow those connections, influence, and pull, along with cash, are supposed to appear just like that by changing last names?

A quick internet search says it costs $350~ $450 to change your name. I don’t know what else she is fighting for, maybe a demand to be listed in the society pages or blueblood’s social register, but the name change itself seems to be an easy thing to do. File some papers, pay a little cash, and viola, a new you.

Let’s face it, that’s chump change if that’s all it takes to be able to wave the “Magic Wand of Biden”, and get instant fame, clout, wealth, and legal immunity for just about anything.

 Food for thought, eh?

January 20, 2023 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

The power of the myth

Every once in a while someone on the local gossip app will make a comment on the crappy state of the current economy, possibly mentioning the homeless and the sad employment picture as well. Almost immediately some old geezer or geezer-ette having an 80’s flashback will immediately chime in on how it’s all Reagan’s fault, along with his support for the trickle-down theory of economics (Reaganomics), and his supposedly successful union busting. The media was so successful at planting the myths on these topics in their oh-so-willing minds that, over 40 years later, these people still respond like Pavlov’s dogs with this rhetoric without any prodding.

Honestly, these people supposedly had a better base education than students today, but totally missed how our Federal government works, both in theory and in practice. Starting at the top, presidents don’t build or dismantle mental institutions. At best, Reagan was in the White House when the Federal bureaucracies decided to stop funding them so they could spend the money somewhere else. This didn’t mean they had to all dry up and go away, it just left the problem of supporting them financially up to the states, all of whom promptly ignored the issue on the whole as they had other uses for their own money. Nothing, by the way, stopped all the so-called progressives from getting together and pooling their own resources into the mental health industry. Unfortunately, what they wanted, as usual, was to get credit (and jobs) for caring so much, about supporting giving to those in need, etc., while using other people’s money for the funding, preferably from as far away and as unaccountable as possible.

As for Reaganomics, I’ll just use this quote I found on the internet “Reaganomics did ignite one of the longest and strongest periods of economic growth in the US.”

And on the “union-busting” myth. Seriously, do these people live with their heads under a rock? While it’s true he whacked the air traffic controllers for striking, he did have a compelling national interest at stake, arbitrarily grounding the entire nation’s fleet of airplanes just wasn’t a viable option for bargaining. As for conditions today, the workers in that industry have some decent-paying jobs for what they do. Regarding the condition of the rest of the unions going into the now, the Teacher’s unions, Teamsters, SEIU etc, they are today some of the most powerful organizations in the country. They know what they want and how to take action to get it, and are quite successful at it, so I simply don’t see the validity of that particular complaint.

So there it is, a couple myths that just keep on giving. I’m going to let his one go at this point, as the next step on this particular treadmill will be for someone to accidentally read it and start yelling “But Trump …”

Onward and upward

January 15, 2023 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Help a Liberal out

White liberals with great jobs are under pressure these days and it looks like they need a little help. They, and especially the ones who identify as women/female, etc., face an existential dilemma because on one hand, in order to stay in the good graces of the cancel mob, they have to enthusiastically support the ongoing assault on all things white and/or associated with western culture. On the other hand, well, they’re white, and the juicy gigs they hold in the working world, especially academia and I guess the hard sciences, are a result of the western construct.

The alleged females, luckily for them and their cushy ride at the top of the food chain, automatically get a pass on the horrible trifecta caused by being/identifying as a white male, so they already have that going for them. However, they still need to stand out in whatever field or career path they are in.

 It’s vitally important to be seen as “all in” with the current job-killing, culture-bashing movements while making sure their own position is safe. The competition for the plumb jobs is stiff, especially for those women/female-identifying members of the species, as they are the majority of college graduates jockeying for righteous well-paying employment these days.

There is an inherent problem in supporting a movement that’s all about the marginalization, firing, and/or not hiring those detestable white people while being one yourself. You need a disclaimer, a defense, something tested and proven to work. Something that says “I’m with you, I can be trusted”,” I’m an “ally” for the current cause de jour, ban the rest of them and leave me alone in my sweet sweet office.” Quite the conundrum.

Being an agreeable person, I thought about their dilemma, drank a bit, and, problem solved. A little work with the keyboard and I’ve come up with a plug-and-play workaround for them to use. They just need to grab my template, inset a few words here and there, and voila, they have acquired the magic shield of wokeness. I’m going to thank astrophysicist Professor Natalie Gosnell, in the article I’ve referenced, for some of the words I am going to use in my template because she did such a good job in her own bid for attention and job security.

So, here it is:

As an (insert occupation or grievance specialty), I’m a product of institutions that are steeped in systemic racism and white supremacy,” “The [tenets] of white supremacy that show up (wherever I’m complaining about that no one has pointed to yet) of individualism and exceptionalism and perfectionism, they gotta go, I mean it’s either-or thinking, and there’s no subtlety, there’s no (pick your color, neutral, gray, rainbow, whatever) area.”, so I’m going to either-or it out the door.”

“Most of (my, our) career has been dictated by the hyper-masculine world of (whatever we pick)” “Now, (I’ve, we) have/are deciding that (I, we) doesn’t have to fit into that moldy mindset (I, we) are changing the (some task/job-related thingy), and the way (I/we) inflict it upon you.”

I also want to mention that I think because (the stuff’s I’m currently engaged in) have/has been so separated, and there are, IMHO, systemic issues within (you know), the metaphors that are often chosen to discuss virtual and other realities are very violent and hyper-masculine, so wow.

I’m feverishly working on other ways to present said realities so that all the people in my drum circle can agree as being acceptable for the moment since I wouldn’t want any amoeba’s in the room to be offended. In the meantime, please love and revere me, the end.

There it is, feel free to choose and insert more intersectional bullshit as it’s made it up to personalize it for your needs. For example, the professor mentioned in the referenced article apparently cited the topic of stars dying and transferring their mass to another star as being described using a “violent, hyper-masculine lens,” by calling them “Vampire Star” and “Cannibal Star.” I’m not sure, in light of today’s literature, that either can be depicted as an exclusively masculine activity. Apparently, the author is unfamiliar with the deluge of shitty Sci-Fi dramas that use this and similar verbiage everywhere in shows aimed at teens and pre-teens by the ultra-liberal Hollywood elite.

This particular example may be a bit hard for others to use but, at any rate, I’m sure you get the picture by now, so, have fun with this, and stay woke.

January 14, 2023 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Your 15 minutes is up

I first read about this in late December and it’s making the rounds again now that some people in the affected area have begun to say “what the fark?’

When it comes to examples of how climate alarmism is really just a means to an end, the end being the subjugation of the population at large to the whims of the ruling elites, this takes the current cake.

Those jet-setting, caviar and steak eating, grand poohbahs of us all have another plan to save Mother Earth from the teeming masses, and this one is a doozy. The globalists at the WEF are giddy over the idea of the “15-minute city” and are eagerly watching as it is rolled out to a few test cities before being pushed onto western society at large.

The current sacrificial victims of the plan are in Oxford, England. I’ll let you read up on the whole issue on your own, this snippet is both telling and chilling “For example, residents are not allowed to leave your 15-minute city by car more than the allotted times a year. Otherwise, you will be fined. In addition, the government will track and control your every movement through your smartphones & facial recognition technology.” Shades of modern Orwell, right in front of your eyes.

This is all being brought to the locals by some kind of governing body called a “council”. I don’t know much about the current structure of the English government these days but it seems the English, despite giving up on the idea of Absolute Monarchs and Royal Rule, still let people dictate to them without recourse on damm near everything.

The article I’m referencing is about locals complaining about this plan, but I don’t have much hope for them. The police will be right there to enforce the edicts of the ruling council and put down any protests. Despite their notorious ineptitude when dealing with crime and criminal aggressions against the population, they will be meticulous in following orders when this plan is put into place.

There is not much to look forward to for the average British citizen in this. After all, this is a country notorious for having homeowners jailed and sued into oblivion when burglars hurt themselves breaking into their homes. The very concept of self-defense has been driven out of their collective consciousness, and it’s not hard to see why. If you no longer have the right to defend yourself and your home from criminal assault, burglary, and worse, you certainly don’t have the right to resist “the council” (or its backers, the WEF et all) in its latest power grab.

They’ll be confined to their little sections of towns, virtual prisoners, while their betters will wave at them from the windows of their planes and helicopters. Today they get to see the fantasy picture of the new “ideal city” they are going to suffer living in. If they don’t rise up against this before it’s implemented they are doomed.

I’m sure the local Karens, by whatever name they are known there, are telling them, with all the sincerity of a racetrack tout, never mind the doomsayers, it’s all going to be wonderful. The reality is they are all going to be inmates in their own homes. Even the alleged privilege of being able to leave occasionally will undoubtedly be subject to having a good “social credit score”.

The saddest part of this is that there are undoubtedly numerous people, in the media and elsewhere, all ready to tell us how wonderful this all sounds and how they can’t wait to implement it here. They are going to be fired up and ready to preach this new gospel for living to us, and heaven help us if we’re not ready to push back. Those of you who can square the circle should be able to see where this is going. This is how all of humanity lived, sans our technological advances, before the modern age. The average mud hut dwelling peasant lived his entire life within a few miles of where they were born, only the privileged, and those with special dispensation ever moved about. The best a young man could hope for in seeing the world was to be impressed into someone’s army, to be slaughtered over some ruler’s trivial slight. The women, you guessed it, stayed home and made babies.

It’s a good thing we broke away from them when we did. Otherwise, this would be happening right here right now. As it is, we have an advance look at what they plan, and how they are going to go about it.

Stay tuned, this one is not going to go away, and Welcome to the new “ Brave New World “

A look at their “ideal” city, local lab rats everywhere are begging to be let in:

Picture credit by, of course “World Economic Forum”

January 13, 2023 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Who knew?

Southern California is getting what it periodically, and quite naturally for where it is in the world, gets, a pounding by the rain. While you can’t say with any degree of certainty when this will happen in any particular set of years, it happens a lot. Years can go by without any significant rain, and then, Whammo, everybody gets a crash course in how to swim in the street.

Honest geologists will tell you it happened before people settled and built things here and will happen again and again in the future. In fact, it happened several times that I can recall and I’m not even a native of the place. Amazingly enough, every time the rains show up like this the government and the media act in shocked disbelief, despite plenty of warnings that it is on the way, and are, of course, completely unprepared to deal with it. Ditto all the energy suppliers we are all totally dependent on to live our lives. The only thing they are prepared to do is to declare emergencies and start to gear up for Federal (that’s other people’s) money to start flowing into their pockets. It’s a crisis, and you better believe it won’t go to waste.

As dark as things may seem today, barring any solar or planetary catastrophe, spring will soon be here. And you know what that means, the vegetation, long since adapted to take advantage of this bounty of water, will start to grow like crazy. Look soon for all the articles and pictures about the luxuriant growth, and the fantastic fields of flowers. If you want to see them up close you’ll have to park and walk miles just for a chance to trample them down with all the other tourists.

And then, guess what, they are all going to die back and dry out. Soon we will have acres and acres of tinder-dry vegetation everywhere. It’ll be so dry and prevalent that a single moron’s casually tossed cigarette will be able to start towering infernos at a moment’s notice. And, here’s the important part, we won’t be ready for it. It will be another crisis that just showed up out of the blue.

We’ll need more emergency orders, more government money from somewhere else, and more dancing and wailing about how we didn’t see it coming this time. Laws will be passed, rules and regulations will sprout just like the weeds burning in the background, and then we will go back to hunkering down and waiting for the next calamity to take place.

Committees will be formed, insurance rates will rise, and homeowners will be blamed for having their houses burned down. What we won’t see is any change in how things get done, or accountability for past decisions, because, who knew this would happen?

January 12, 2023 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

All natural

I remember when the powers that be started dumping diesel and gasoline buses and other vehicles and started blowing money on new fleets using compressed gas. They were so delighted with themselves in being able to call it “Natural Gas”, as opposed to the very unnatural coal, fuel oil, and gasoline that we used for everything else. How proud they were to see all those buses and other government-type vehicles emblazoned with the logos, paid for by ya’ll of course, braying “look, we’re using “Clean” natural gas to get us and you around”.

Now, due to the enormous clout of the green peeps within the ruling party, it’s just another awful “fossil fuel”, to be demonized and shunned by anyone who cares about old mother earth. The Fed’s have even stepped in today to put the whammy on gas stoves, citing a single research paper, bias unknown, saying it’s really bad for us, never mind its two hundred-year-plus history of heating our homes and cooking our food.

Meanwhile, the price of this horrible stuff for the homeowner has apparently tripled overnight if the internet chatter can be believed, and so has the price of the oft-touted replacement, electricity, delivery of which is still in doubt from moment to moment.

Having been around for a little while, I can remember the radio and TV campaigns selling the public on using more and more of both of these as the consumer economy was being revved up, and the monopolies on their delivery systems were being built. Especially the catchy slogans, care of people who are always concerned about the public and its future, the advertising departments of big media. Their motto, “anything for a buck”, was in full force back then.

 (Before you accuse me of being too harsh on them, look into the history of how cigarette smoking was sold to the American and then the global public, during the same era. The slogan whose acronym is L.S.M.F.T may likely be the last thing the Alzheimer’s patients of that era remember as they fade away.)

My favorites, still ringing in my head, “Gas does the big jobs better, for less”, and “ Electricity costs less today you know, than it did many long years ago, a little birdy, told me so.” “ Cheep cheep, little bills”

Now apparently nobody gives a crap about how well natural gas does in providing the heat and energy we need for our modern lifestyle, despite its proven track record, and electricity, if you can get it, is on an unrelenting path toward being un-affordable for the average citizen real soon now.

The government is busy backpedaling on this as fast as they can due to the uproar it’s caused. Unnoticed in all the heated exchange going on is the fact that no one is addressing the naked power grab that was exposed here. Lost in the hustle was this statement, by USCPSC commissioner Richard Trumka Jr. told to Bloomberg News. “This is a hidden hazard,” Trumka told the outlet. “Any option is on the table. Products that can’t be made safe can be banned.”

According to the constitution, the powers not granted to the government, nor prohibited to it, are reserved to the states, and to the people. Nowhere was the power to just ban things on a bureaucrat’s whim, regardless of alleged justification, given to the Federal Government, thus they can’t give it unilaterally to any unanswerable to the public agency they create.

Underneath all this fluff that basic premise, that they have the power to ban anything they want based on whatever theory they float, is what is on the table. If this premise goes unchallenged then they have set a precedent for doing whatever they want with the force of law behind them, always being able to point back and say “ you were ok with it then”.

Based on the responses so far, with a great deal of support for this coming from the usual suspects, this issue isn’t going to go away anytime soon. It behooves us to remember that the politicians we elect, and the people they appoint to oversee these things, keep telling us all is well, just keep supporting them and their policies and we’ll all be living in a wonderland of unicorns and free everything, so I guess we’ll be alright. If they do succeed in getting rid of natural gas and associated appliances, it’s all good. After all, what could be more natural than walking everywhere and freezing our asses off at night while we eat our cold cans of beans? In the meantime, while I’m looking over my utility bills, I’ll be inspecting the condition of my boots and blankets, just in case.

January 11, 2023 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Repost NFL not so woke

I’m gonna repost this from last year because someone actually liked it, so why not. Feel free to put in your own team names to enhance the experience

After watching the recent Rams – Cardinals game it is obvious that the NFL needs to get in touch with their inner wokeness.

It was apparent after the Rams scored again and again in the 1st half that they were not giving the Cardinals a chance to catch up. If they were not so selfish they could have let them catch up before scoring any more points. They really didn’t seem to care that they were really hurting the feelings of the other players and their fans, along with the bookies, with such a lopsided score.

The way they kept chasing the Cardinals quarterback around showed they really didn’t care how he felt about all those incomplete passes. And they kept tripping up and knocking down all those other players, how rude. It’s like they didn’t want to give them any chance to advance the ball and score.

The coach whose team is ahead shouldn’t be allowed to challenge anything either, if a ref makes a bad call in the other team’s favor, no matter how obvious, they should just suck it up. That’s what an abundance of sensitivity looks like.

The referees also seemed to lack a connection with today’s other sensitivity concerns as well. All those flags for things like holding. I mean really, isn’t holding just a bit of touching? Isn’t a touch, no matter how fleeting, a sign of caring in these difficult times? How can that be 5 to 10 yards of wrong?  And don’t get me started about the different colored flags they use. If they truly cared the flags would all be grey and ambiguous. Once thrown the refs can form a committee to figure out what the call is.

Offsides, false starts, how judgmental of them, they should just let them play it out if somebody does something with the ball. 4th and inches, what’s with that? Just give them the first down for trying so hard, especially if they’re behind, that’s showing how to care.

Last, but certainly not least, what about all those interceptions they allowed. They were unfairly using skills and things to catch the other guy’s passes, that’s just stealing! How can that be allowed? What kind of message does that send to today’s kids in the stands?

I won’t get into the whole toxic masculinity of the game except to say there was so much testosterone around it seemed like some players were slipping and falling down in the stuff.

The only way the NFL can make things right is to award the playoff spot to the Cardinals on general principles and tell the Rams to try and be a little gentler on their opponent next time.

January 10, 2023 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Charmed, indeed

Actual lines from something called “Charmed“ on the Sci-Fi channel: Detective-looking guy talking to a couple of 20-something girls who don’t get enough outside time“ I wanted to see if it looked familiar to you” (All good detectives ask young girls this kind of questions).  “Well, it’s definitely demonic” they replied,  as they fingered something that looked like a cheap metal container for a cigar, “Do you mind if we keep this so we can figure out what kind of demon we’re dealing with? “Forlorn-looking detective says something like “Well, I guess I can’t turn it in as evidence…” as I sigh and lose all interest.

I can’t help but wonder how many times they had to shoot that scene in order to get a take where they all didn’t all bust out laughing. You can see it in their faces, they are desperately holding back, trying to pretend the stupid shit they are saying is a real conversation.

I like Science Fiction, I really do, even the low-budget movies, but this stuff is just a bunch of vapid crap, a jobs program for Hollywood zombies to feed off of. There have been so many good works done in the field of Science Fiction that never see the light of day, all kinds of interesting and challenging topics that are never explored, instead, this stuff gets the green light. A whole genre of literature that has immense potential to excite the mind, delve into new concepts and stretch the imagination, invent new possible futures to ponder, is replaced with this kind of unrelenting pure horseshit. It’s almost like it’s part of a plan…

January 9, 2023 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment